Sunday 23 May 2010

Male Depression - How to Successfully Navigate Male Depression And Begin A New Life!

Male depression can be a time of unpredictability,
uncertainty and drastic change. You were fine and in control
yesterday and now, cannot fathom what has hit you.

You may try to shrug it off as nothing, or hit the alcohol
to help yourself find some relief, but that is a distraction
and not the answer that will help you move forward. Rather,
it is toward yourself that you must turn if you want to
obtain the wisdom from this experience, and create a new
path for yourself.

It may be bumpy for a while but it will not last forever.
Become aware that you are going through major changes both
in your life and your body. The following suggestions may
help you transition into your new way of life more easily.

1. Look at your spiritual or religious beliefs. Do they
support you or hinder you? Feeling empty may mean that you
need to strengthen your faith. What is the use of pretending
to believe in a God if he is nowhere to be found when you
need him?

Studies show that depression can be significantly reduced by
regular practices such as meditation, prayer or church
attendance. Explore and follow what has deep meaning for

2. Try something new. Male depression can cloud your
thinking with negative thoughts such as, "I am useless".
Maybe you could try a new hobby or learn a new skill. This
will help focus your mind on something enjoyable and help
boost your self-esteem. It will give you evidence that you
are still a very capable person with a lot to offer, and may
very well lead to a new career.

3. Communicate with your loved ones. This is vital, to get
you through this time successfully. You will find that, if
you talk with your loved ones, they will be more able to
support you. They will also understand that you are not
rejecting them but need to take time to be on your own and
will respect that.

4. Look after your health. When you are depessed, there can
be a tendency not to want to eat or not to care what you eat.
Make sure you are eating nutritious food and taking a multi
vitamin or a tonic. A short walk each day will give you more

5. Slow down. Male depression can be a time of honouring. A
time to be in the moment and obtain wisdom from. Some people
believe that whatever happens to us is random and others
believe it has a higher meaning.

In order to find what meaning it has for you, you need to
make yourself available to just "be". Ask yourself what the
positive message is. What is your positive learning from
this time? Become curious and determined to find the answers
and you will.

Male depression, if recognised and seen as a positive period
of transition, can be a time of learning more about who you
really are and what you stand for in the world and lead you
to new, more fulfilling experiences.

About the Author:

Male Depression - If you want a successfully-proven and
respected method to permanently cure your depression, you
can learn more here:

Sign up for our regular newsletter at
http://WWW.CureAnxietyAndDepression.Com - full of
motivational tips and suggestions, helping you take your
next step towards a calmer life.

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